Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rallying the troops with 2.0

I'm not sure if organizing a brown bag lunch for all staff on the hoopla that surrounds web 2.0 is asking for punishment or providing too much information?

Oh well, it's too late and I don’t buy either one. I sense there is not a great deal of pride in our website, in fact, when asked about the overall impression of AR’s site, a third of those who responded to a recent staff survey said they were a “a little embarrassed.”

If there is one thing that can come out of the year-long process, it’s that folks get involved with how we present ourselves online. And more importantly, begin taking ownership of some of the pages. Throughout this journey, one way I’ll measure my own success is by the staff’s level of investment in the process.

If that’s the case, the An Introduction to Web 2.0 brown bag lunch is step one.

In an effort to rally the troops, the game plan is below (lead by guest wizkid, Page Sands). We'll follow up with more practical sessions, but wanted to at least start with the 30,000 view.

An Introduction to Web 2.0: What is it and why does it matter? In this first of several sessions, we'll examine the basics of Web 2.0, the tools and technologies, and how they can be applied to organizations of all types.

An overview into the background and history of Web 2.0 including:

  • software applications and tools (del.icio.us, flickr, mashups)
  • blogs, wikis (both externally and within organizations)
  • RSS and searching into the future (RSS, Bloglines, and Google News)
  • tags
  • motivations for use (free and opensource software movements + internally within organizations)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to come and speak this afternoon.

Very much enjoyed it.
