Three mock-ups to review for Act for Healthy Rivers
It's been a while since there's been work to discuss, but we're making good progress with Act for Healthy Rivers' transformation from The Citizens' Agenda for Rivers. After what feels like months of strategy (and we needed every bit of it), we have three mock-ups to review and discuss as a team before providing our partners with feedback for moving forward with the build out.
Act for Healthy Rivers has great potential to speak to river groups, organize organizations around right to know legislation (sewage in our rivers), and energize the river constituency to act for healthy rivers.
With this in mind, we're looking at a two-prong attack with the first website to focus on river groups, our primary audience, and then a second website this spring targeting Joe public. It is really important for us that our river group website is the product of the community, i.e. steering committee and river groups at large. One way we hope to address this is through a sewage log or more appropriately, slog.
For the last month, our team has been slogging so that we can launch with a dozen preloaded posts. This will be pretty cool and hopefully a good example of us igniting a larger, public conversation (and second website) around right to know legislation. More to come with the Joe public, but the mockups are below. What design stands out for you?
We're meeting on Friday to discuss with the team, so hopefully, by the end of the week, we'll be one step closer to our look, feel, and general direction of Act for Healthy Rivers' new website.

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