Spreading the 2.0 cheer
I just read Steve Bridger’s piece, You’ve been promoted to “Buzz Director” (what, you don’t have one?), and found it very relevant to our website(s) redesign process. The post reads like a checklist and I’d definitely agree that certain shake-ups from within are key to an organization’s growth online and off.
However, I know there is a balance, but at what rate does one push, encourage, and nudge folks. Staff can probably attest to my proselytizing from within, but how much is too much (and do I want to be that guy too)? Sure, I want to go in this direction, but are we ready for it?
All said and done, I guess you have to pick your battles with the tools you use and the messages you permit to…um, let go a bit. And like most folks in my position, I’m always looking for ways to inject into the conversation additional ideas to present information and create an online community, but the opportunities are not always clear. My response: fabricate these moments by hosting a few brown bag lunches around web 2.0 to push some of the issues to the surface. So shallow, I know.
Our first one was last month and we basically introduced web 2.0. The next one is Friday, December 1, on RSS feeds. This should be interesting as it’s a laptop friendly event and we’ll go through identifying a feed, setting up a news aggregator (we’re using bloglines), and subscribing to it. Since most of the office uses Internet Explorer, IE 7 has made subscribing to feeds a lot easier.
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