Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Upward battle: our Alexa traffic ranking

I recently learned about Alexa and found that our national site traffic rank was 909,229. Ouch, almost wish I didn’t see that, but on the bright side of things, we can only go up.

I'd like to know of other ways we can measure our online footprint. I think this is an opportunity to take some baseline vitals early in our redesign process and and share it with others in the hopes of demonstrating growth online down the road...specifically, during our FY07 budget session (March).

I've got to begin creating some metrics for our work online if I ever hope to grow the program within the organization.

Some more cool stuff to know:
Speed: Very Fast (80% of sites are slower), Avg Load Time: .9 Seconds
Other sites that link to this site: 475
Online Since: 29-Oct-1998

To put our traffic in perspective, some of our ‘competitors’ are below:

  • Traffic Rank for waterkeeper.org: 1,693,919
  • Traffic Rank for rivernetwork.org: 1,277,101
  • Traffic Rank for riverkeeper.org: 649,695
  • Traffic Rank for americanwhitewater.org: 193,381
  • Traffic Rank for nrdc.org: 57,977
  • Traffic Rank for greenpeace.org: 7,326
This is also interesting; at of the people who have visited our site, they have also visited:
  • River Network - www.rivernetwork.org
  • Clean Water Action - www.cleanwateraction.org
  • The BPD Water and Sanitation Cluster - www.bpd-waterandsanitation.org
  • American Water Relief - www.americanwaterrelief.org
  • EPA Admits Fluoridated - Water Harms Millions home.att.net/~gtigerclaw/EPAresponse.html
  • Clean Water and Oceans - NRDC www.nrdc.org/water
  • Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger (CSWAB) - cswab.org
  • Clean Water Fund - cleanwaterfund.org
  • American Whitewater - americanwhitewater.org
  • Australian Conservation Foundation: Rivers and Water Campaigmn


Unknown said...

I was actually a little shocked to read 475 sites link to us. Much better than I would have expected.

Chas Offutt said...

Actually, it's hard to get a fair estimate from only one source. So, here are a couple of others (that bode well for us). But I'd suggest reading the fine print to learn how these reports are pulled - there's a pretty big discrepency.

Google: 753
Go to Google and type "Link:www.americanrivers.org"

Go to Link Popularity to view a few different search engines.
MSN: 7,476
Yahoo: 7,413